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Dental >> Extracting Forceps
Fig. 101 upper premolers and roots
Art # GS-D-2048
105 lower incisors
Art # GS-D-2049
106 lower incisors
Art # GS-D-2050
Fig. 87 lower molars
Art # GS-D-2051
Fig. 86C lower molars
Art # GS-D-2052
Fig. 103 upper canines
Art # GS-D-2053
Fig. 112 upper roots
Art # GS-D-2054
Fig. 113 upper roots
Art # GS-D-2055
Fig. 114 upper roots
Art # GS-D-2056
Fig. 136 upper premolars and roots
Art # GS-D-2057
Fig. 137 lower incisors and roots
Art # GS-D-2058
Fig. 143 lower roots
Art # GS-D-2060